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"are you dead?"

msg yg penuh makna aku pnah dapat..
thanks kawan!


sabtu lepas hang out dgn geng2 bas sekolah..
eh geng mase kat kolej tgk movie di klcc saje..dekat..
just 5 of us..nurul,shida,rob,icha & lisa..
nurul punye plan la ni nak hang out buat kali terakhir sblum jadi tunang orang..ewahh!
tp mmg btol la..next week die nak tunang dah..
*best nye*
plan nak jumpe pukul 6 camtu..tp nurul ni plak yg lambat
die suruh beli tiket cite QUARANTINE
aku ni klau tgk movie cite box office je..haha
dah la xtau cite ni pasal ape..layan je la.
movie start 7.50 pm
nurul x sampai..call x jwb, msg x reply
kitorang masuk la dulu..
movie dah start..

nisa: "cite ape ni? bosan je.."
lisa: "cite ni dah start ke blm sbnanye?"
shida: "dah lame start la"
nisa: "ke kite salah panggung?"

serius starting die agak bosan..dan agak lame jugak la
kebosanan die..

nisa : "nurul ni mane? x sampai2 pon..abis gak popcorn die ni"
lisa : "sape la yang ajak ni kan"

dkat 20 minit camtu jalan cite agak membosankan
pastu mule la scene2 yang agak menggilakan
menjerit2 orang dalam panggung tu
tp bole cover lg..

nurul dah sampai..
nurul: "hantu dah kluar blom?"
shida: "dah2..cpat la"

plot cite jadi makin menggila
actually scene tekejut2 je..
biase la cite antu skang..
tp yang best dah la for the 1st time tgk movie cite antu
menjerit-jerit orang dalam panggung
termasuklah kawan sendiri..hahaha
agak klaka sbb membe yang kononnye tough bagai gagak hitam
menjerit paling kuat! hahaha
and for the 1st time sampai ade popcorn tecampak!
tekejut punye pasal..haha
lisa..lisa. x sempat org nak abiskan popcorn tuh..dah la lapa
tp serius la..meter tekejut cite ni agak melampau sikit
sampai kaum adam pon cam cuak je..ade jgk yang menjerit
lawak btol! dah la kitorang ddk seat yg agak kedepan..
muke hantu pon cam depan muke sendiri je

lpas movie dah abis..

nisa: "gile la cite ni"
nurul: "best x cite aku pilih? aku dah tgk sbnanye..tu yg saje dtg lambat"
lisa: "x gune punye nurul"

dah puas gelak,mengutuk,mengata sume
kitorang pg naili's restaurant ampang
makan dan lepak sampai lebam
dah lame x lepak ramai2 camni..
masing2 pon bz je..
borak tak ingat dunie
perut plak sakit masuk angin..nak mkn popcorn x dpt
smpai arini perut meragam..haish

sblum balik nurul ajak tgk view KL dr atas bukit
ape ntah name tmpt tu..tp kat ampang la
cantik..mmg cantik..
tp yg x cantiknye sbb byk plak mat remp-it tesadai kat situ
besama minah2 remp-it mereka
agak menyakitkan mate
so kitorang x dpt la amik gamba..dah lewat pon
sampai umah around 12.30 pm
penat tp best!
esoknye aku demam..
ntah demam sbb ape pon xtau la..haha

*nurul dah nak tunang..kitorang plak yg x sabar..hee*

nyampah i..

lokasi : student department sebuah IPTA tempatan..(malas nak sbut)
masa : 3 bulan lepas

lisa : kak,tumpang tanye..kitorang nak jumpe kaunselor
kerani : ha? awak nak buat ape?
icha : camni..kitorang nak apply utk degree so..nak jumpe kaunselor nak tanye pasal course sume la
lisa : nak tanye pasal transfer crdt sume..
kerani : takde kaunselor harini..
lisa&icha : sigh*

kerani : awak dari mana ni?
icha&lisa : PTPL college ampang
kerani : result camne? bagus? *sambil senyum sinis
icha : *dlm hati menyirap gile..nak je ckp.. every sem kitorang dean list!* saje tanak show off
lisa : ok la..
icha : nak sebut pointer ke? huh!
kerani : *silent

kerani : klau nak apply kan gune online application
icha : ye tau la kak..tp kitorang nak jumpe kaunselor
kerani : sume dah ade kat website..awk x EXPLORE ke?
icha&lisa : silent*
kerani : awak nak apply ape?
icha : degree..medical lab
kerani : eh bukan ke intake disember x bukak untuk medic?
kerani : *tesengih2 cam taik ayam* smbil tunjuk ketas die
kerani: klau faculty medic kat PJ..bukan kat sini..
icha : kak..kitorang bukan faculty medic..tp sains kesihatan
icha : *kitorang yg x EXPLORE website ke die?!*
(sakit ati..)

lpas tu kakak kerani tu bebel ape aku dah malas nak dgr..buat pekak je
aku ckp kat lisa dgn agak kuat

icha : jom la kite blah!
lisa : jom la..

kitorang trus blah je camtu..sia2 je dtg sane jejauh
aku nyampah gile sbnanye dgn akak tu..ckp dgn die cam ckp dgn daun keladi
dah tu cam pandang rendah kat kitorang ni bajet kitorang budak ipts la kan
hek die..
klau die bagus sgt asal die jd kerani je kat situ!

btul kate pia..
nape kene pandang rendah kat IPTS sedangkan bebudak IPTA pon ade yg x bape
nak bejaya mcm budak IPTS..
haa..x semua la..
segelintir aje..

pape pon..lu pikir la sendiri!

T to the A to the G

petama skali saye ingin mengucapkan jutaan trima kasih kepada
encik nanchan yg sudi menambahkan berat yg dipikul dgn hadirnya tag ini..
ha.. amik kau ucapan! hahaha..

ok..ok..tarik napas jap!

01. Real name : khairunnisa zaidan @zidane..haha
02. Nickname : icha,nisa,nica,mitchy
03. Status : taken 4
04. Zodiac Sign : taurus
05. Gender : female
06. Age : 21 years old already
07. High School : smk pandan jaya & MGS klang
08. College : PTPL college ampang
09. Height : 160++
10. Weight : x sampai 50kg
11. Do you like yourself : harusss
12. Piercings : yeah..
13. Right or left : righty
14. Are you a freak : =D
15. Hair : rambut noh! wahh..
16. Skin : hitam manis
17. Allergic : udang buat idung gatal lah
18. What are you doing now : complete this thingy
19. What will you doing 1 hour later : watching tv
20. What will you doing 10 years later : jage anak..haha
21. Live with mother/father/parents/family : yes
22. Siblings(included you) : 4
23. Eldest : sistah!
24. Youngest : brother..17 years old
25. Love/hate your family : love
26. You found your another half : yes i do
27. If yes, who is he/she : he is mohd nazrul mohd noor
28. Who you want he/she to be : my partner of my life forever
29. Time(s) you in relationship : yg bebetul 2
30. Ever woo boy/girl :no
31. Anyone woo you before : haa..
32. Did anything wrong to your other half : no..
33. What was/were the wrong you had done : erm..
34. Ever argue with your other half : yeah..
35. You with your other half since : 11.10.2007
36. Are you straight : a'ah..rambut pon straight..haha
37. Reasons you love your other half : he's my everything
38. You and your other half in which stage : stage sehati bedansa..hek! blom nak kawen lg
39. You woo he/she or he/she woo you : die!
40. Ever think of marry he/she : yeah..siap berangan
41. Your first best friend : i think..illi nabihan
42. Your first enemy : hah! bialah rahsie
43. The friends you love the most : my maciks
44. The enemy you hate the most(1only) : no answer
45. Your most beautiful girl friend : kami sume cantiq!
46. Your most handsome boy friend : my bf.. =p
47. The kind of girl you hate the most : yg hipokrit lg menggedik
48. The kind of boy you hate the most : poser
49. You fall in love with your close friend before : no
51. If your friend backstabbing you : xyah kawan dah la..cam skg ni..lalala
52. If your friend betray you : pi mampos die
53. If your friend woo your lover : huh! let me kill her
54. If your friends fall in love with you : wt dek je..jgn layan
55. If you fall in love with your best friend : tidak mungkin..
56. Are you a good student : i think so..haha
57. You always done your homeworks/assignments : yes..last minute!
58. The teacher/tutor you love the most : mr.david! hehe..apa tu?!
59. Always late to school/college : nahh..dat's y i said im a good student =p
60. Your class : ape?
61. You love your seniors : tak langsung! dorang blagak
62. Senior who you love the most : no one..no one.. eh nyanyi plak
63. Your classmates good/bad : bad ass! hahaha..
64. Excellent result classmate : ataullah..asal la die pandai sgt
65. Laziest classmate : kami semua
66. Smart people : saya dan kawan2 saya..hee
67. Stupid people :tu ha..die tu lah
68. Good looking people : mereka yg good looking..huh

(g toilet jap)

69. Ugly people : tiade
70. Funny people : nurul..ehe
71. Cute people : saya bule? haha
72. Bad people : ade la org tu
73. Honest people : susah nak jumpe
74. Acting people : pelakon..haha..bosan nye soalan!
75. You are what kind of people : simple but complicated
76. Lip or eyes : eyes
77. Hugs or kisses : both
78. Shorter or taller : taller of course
79. Hesitant or spontaneous : spontaneous
80. Nice stomach or nice arms : tak kesah
81. Listener or talker : both
82. Romantic or rich : romantic is more important than rich
83. Good husband or Good Father : both
84. Age to get marry : klau bole 25
85. Numbers of kid(s) : 2
86. Career : ...
87. Salary : 1 juta..wah
88. Retirement age : idk
89. Properties value : x ternilai
90. Wishes : happy..happy..n happy in my life with my love one

habis pon..penat siot!
nak tag balik ah! kpd sume bebudak yg rase die dlm list kat blog ni
especially pia
sile2 jgn segan

lan pet pet

again..bile tgh tanam anggur ni ari2 pon bosan..
mane x nye dah la tanam anggur..
anggur plak tanak bebuah.. haha...
amende nie? adehh..
da bape bulan gune facebook ni cam bosan yg amat
klau best pon jumpe kawan2 skola je la..
especially illi kawan baik dr darjah satu! huwaa..
da cantik da die.. aku je camni.. hee..
bukak facebook pon utk main pet society je..
lelame gian la pulok!
gian kumpul trophy..haish
dari artist pet
star pet ke
superstar pet ke
megastar pet
ke vip pet
haish..penat btol..
sblm ni x kuase nak main game2 camni
main the sims lg best!
tak rock btol..
tp bole la isi mase lapang yg sgt lapang ni


dah name pon menganggur..
ape lg nak buat klau bukan mengadap tv 24/7
kalau bkn ngadap tv pon tv la yg ngadap muke aku ni ha..
dah byk kali tengok EMA 2008 (europe music awards)
baru arini dpt tgk the ting tings perform.

i really love their performance..very energetic!
rock wuuu..

this band is really cool..
(bkn tagline X.fm oke?)
just have a drummer and lead singer to form a great band..
ni yang terase nak ade band nih!
dr dulu lg angan2..
stakat blaja drum sebulan 2 tak payah laaaa...hahaha..
but who knows?
sape nak jd lead? macik mau?
bole la..bole la..
tak jd cam the ting tings..
kite jd the ting tong pon bole lah!

spm candidates

gud luck utk bebudak yg amik spm arini
especially utk adik dgn cousin aku amir&amin..
amik home tuition bagai..
tp malas jugak nak study
lelaki kannn..hehe
mcm la aku ni rajin sgt pon dulu
same je... hahaha
pape pon wish all the best aje la..

kiri: amir & kanan: amin

ni gamba time kecik..skg da besar gajah da dorang ni
da pandai nak ade gf dah bebudak ni
nenek kate dorang ni dr kecik 'lawa'
kalah cucu2 pompuan yg lain
yo lahh...
kalau x pass SPM x leh kawen gak! haha

wayar putus

ptg2 camni tetibe teringat plak cite
sorg budak mase blaja dulu

bg aku die sgt pelik!
memule knal mmg la xnampak sgt kan..
memule just nampak cam nerd..pkai spek..
tshirt beso..haha.. wat dek je la..bkn geng aku pon
tp yg menjadi masalahnye kat kitorang ni angin die smacam bai
kadang-kadang tegelak2 dgn geng nerd die tu
kadang-kadang muke masam berjela-jela
plg xtahan bile angin kus2 die dtg die nak marah org yg x bkenaan
temasuklah kitorang yg x besalah ni
ade satu hari tu tgh tggu lecturer masuk klas aku dgn membe saje je
main lestik2..da bosan kan.. x menjadi masalah pon kat org lain
tetibe telinga ni sakit plak dgn suare die yang kuat mencelah..
"korang ni takde bende lain ke nak main??"
hek eleh..kerek plak die ni
wuuu..bole tahan.. tetibe aku pon cam ade angin kus2 plak kannn..
tp takpe wat dek je...
lg 1 insiden yang sumeorang xkan lupe kot
time tu dalam audi blaja sosiologi ke agama kalau x silap..
punye la ramai student dalam tu sbb campur intake lain
biase la klau da byk orang byk mulut byk bunyi mesti la bising
NORMAL la kannnn....
tetibe si die ni menjerit "astaghfirullahalazimmmmmmm...."
lbh kurang 6 harkat jugak la.. trus sumeorang terdiam sambil pandang die
die plak diam je wat xtau.. pastu sume tegelak gile2!
hahahaha..ntah pape je.. ape masalah die pon xtau la..
wayar kpale die ade cam syot sket kot
kat luar klas pon nak wat hal gak kat membe aku..
malas la nak cite..
korang pnah ke jumpe org camtu? haha
agak x normal di situ..

p/s: jgn belagak pandai sgt ye budak..bole blah dgn papa kau tuh.asik menunjuk je
nampak cam kakak dgn adik je