sweet candy

Darling i'll bathe your skin..
I'll even wash your clothes..
Just give me some candy..
Before i go..
Oh darling i'll kiss your eyes..
and lean down on your rug..
Just give me some candy..
After my hug

♥ ♥ ♥


Guys..im craving for this!!! Oakley frogskin limited edition.. Please..please sape yang tau mane nak dapat selain dekat e-bay sile bagitau!! Kalau dapat yang murah lagi bagusss.. hehehe.. Sape nak sedakah 100 bucks?? wuuu..this item makes me drooooooling...

be yourself, we are beutiful

Hey friend..try put your feet in my shoes, just to see what it's like to be me..I'll be you, let's trade shoes.. Just to see what i'd be like to..Feel your pain, you feel mine..Go inside each other's mind just to see what we find..Look at shit through each other's eyes.. And to all of you, god gave you the shoes..That fit you, so put them on and wear them..And be yourself man, be proud of who you are..Even if it sounds corny, don't ever let no one tell you, you ain't beautiful..

♥ icha

jiwa kelajuan

ntah kenape kebelakangan ni
jiwa aku kacau
rasa macam nak pukul orang
rasa macam nak marah orang
rasa macam nak maki orang
lagi2 kat orang yang sakitkan hati aku

old trafford yang panas..

Manchester United vs Malaysia

- the crowd was superb!!

- serious rase mcm kat old trafford! tp panas.. =p
- sape yg kene boo tu mmg nasib la..sape suruh buat onar kat stadium! hahaha.. mampus foreigner pon kene.. kesiannn..
- overall, skill pemain malaysia bagus..cume ade la skit2 yg bole kasi cantik lg..
- sume pon pkai baju merah..tp tetap sokong malaysia! kate friendly match.. xperlu la nak kate sape pijak sape.. both man utd and m'sia played very well.. =)
- serius seronok dapat tgk depan mate sendiri..
- owen, u're too cute to be a striker! hahaha..
- ryan giggs..all time favourite!
- full match man utd (3) - (2) m'sia -->> cool!
- lrt cam gampang...dah sebijik macam sardin cap ayam! aku hampir mati tersepit..
- lastly..im having so much fun!!

big event for this year!!

MTV World Stage will make its debut in Malaysia;
an unprecedented 1st in Asia on August 15th,2009

Sunway Lagoon Resort Surf Beach, will be the chosen destination for
MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia.


the great heretics of British rock


oh hanafi.. =p

lenka showcase in Malaysia!

Date: Sunday, 08/02/2009 at 3.30pm
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Venue: Main Entrance, 1 Utama Shopping Centre

sape jerit plg kuat menang!

p/s: gua xlarat nak menaip sbnanye..nak upload sume gamba lg gua x larat!
ni semua gara2 bejimba melebihi had.. hahaha..
pasal MU vs Msia gua update later..

sectum sempra!

Hello mate! ehem..arini tetibe nak bahasekan diri 'gua'.. ni lah akibatnye bile banyak gaul dgn makhluk bernama gaban dan bala2 dewa dekat Rock Legends.. haha.. tak kesah la.. yang pasti arini gua penat.. pagi2 bute dah bgn! padahal tido pkul 5 pagi..tido ke tu? haha..sepatutnye gua diulit mimpi yang indah selalunye sampai tghari.. dammit! gua terpaksa bangun pagi semata2 nak pg bli tiket harry potter.. tau2 je la arini premier kan.. ntah ape syndrome gua nak tgk 1st day jugak! mungkin sbb bengkek dgn j.k rowling yg sukati mak bapak die je nak postpone cite ni dr taun lepas. ape yg gua bole ckp, jalan cite kali ni agak slow and smooth but funny! pepagi lagi gua da tecongok kat klcc beratur bli tiket..nasib baik ade..sbb ade khabar angin ckp tiket dah abis! klau betul la mmg gua rase nak bakar je klcc tu! x pasal2 korang sume xde tmpt nak dating dah.. hahaha..serious! klau la korang bole dgr membe gua gelak..gua pon xterkata dah! haha.. but then..sad ending! gua dah tau pon ending cite ni.. heh.. 5 kudos! ahad ni tgk lagi..2nd round! tekejut beruk akak tu gua beli 15 tiket utk kaum kerabat gua.. haha..

p/s: gua nak la love potion tu..nak bg kat brandon boyd syg..lalala.. =p

wet dream

Apesal handsome sgt kau ni?
Buat aku tak tidur malam je!


Situasi :

Baru blk dr melalak kat green box BB

Dalam perjalanan ke Jusco wangsa maju...


"Eh ni lagu tadi...KARY PETTY"

" Ha? Karry Petty?"
"Buruk btul bunyi nye"
"Mcm krabby patty pon ade.."


Guys..jom lepak lagi! jom karak lagi!

Yang kat ganu tu cepat2 la balik!

6 jahanam asik x cukup korum je..

his favourite

Smile =)

Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by

If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying

Smile what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you’ll just

p/s: i love u MJ! R.I.P

Oh gosh!!!

new peugeot 308 turbo makes me craaaaazyyyyyy!!!
nissan latio sport pon kalah! damn...i need a lots of money

inside neverland

The gates to Michael Jackson's fabled Neverland Ranch swung
open to reveal a shell of the fantasy land the
popstar had created in his heyday..