I just LOVEEEE my desktop!

♥ ♥ ♥

Gile bapaakkk lah! tak tido malam aku macam ni

Gile bapak best line-up Singfest taun ni..
+ gile bapak jugak mahal..kat singapore plak tuh..

Line-up :

The Like


•Wonder Girls

Tokio Hotel

Katy Perry

•Jully Black

•Diane Birch

•Lupe Fiasco

•Kool & The Gang

•Kanye West

•Hail The Villain

•Ian Brown

30 Seconds to Mars

The Smashing Pumpkins

The Vines


LEGO Taj Mahal

Cool rite?
David Beckham pon ade sebijik.. =p

mtv worldstage 2010

Here we come..
8 more days to come..woohoo!

Hello guys! what's up? Lama jugak blog tak update sejak abis worldcup ni.. nak kata busy tak jugak.. cuma akhir2 ni aku rasa aku dah terkena sindrom MALAS yang teramat.. hehe.. besides,to many things happened.. malas jugak nak diceritakan.. ape2 pon cant wait for this coming 31st july! let's jimba jimba! haha =)

p/s : tumblr & twitter quite boring for me  ^_^

check it out now!

little diary

  • Went to Putrajaya
  • Kg.Baru, watching worldcup quarter finals
  • Please dont cry Messi.. hee..
  • Castle ampang from 1am-4am =)
  • Chat, chat, chat and shisha with b,lisa and zaem..
  • You guys rocks!
  • Have a great weekend..
  • Now, i'm totally flat! duhh..
  • Planning to play futsal this weekend =p
  • And holiday (again) end of this month..hopefully