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mtv worldstage!

the crowds..so lenjun till midnight!

the clans.. =)

wonder girl..ok la.. sexy bai..

tokio hotel was great! cantik tau die! hahaha

did u see that she brings her huge banana split on the stage? awesome!!

katy look so cute with her tutu!

 the cupcakes..gua tgh lapa gile time ni bai..

and she plays the guitar so well..

peacock!! her new new new single!
best gile tgk katy perry perform..

worldstage kali ni ok la.. cuma atas sebab hujan banyak delays and all that.
event pon patut start pkul 6 tapi start pkul 7..
nasib baik sumeorang bole besabar demi katy perry sbnanye..
sbb nak tggu die keluar perform memang berabad jugak la! huhu..
tapi takpe.. penantian yang berbaloi.. =)
gamba pon tak banyak sbb hujan lagi..rosak kamera kang susah plak..
hope taun depan worldstage jauh lagi gempak!
go MTV go!