
Key in first 3 digits of your handphone number into the calculator
Multiply by 80
Add 1
Multiply by 250
Plus last four digits of your handphone number
Plus last four digits of your handphone number again
Minus 250
Divide by 2 at last

Did you guys get your number? PASTE it here! ade brani? hahaha..


brandon cep said...

1236527. hebat hebat :D

nisa.zaidan said...

brandon cep? hoi! lu bukan laki gua! sepak kang... no lu tayah tayang la wa dah tau.. hahaha

phikool said...

3094541. Woo..mne kau dpt ni?

nisa.zaidan said...

hahaha..kagum ke phikool? adelah!

Zulfadli Zainal said...

macam mana bole keluar no fon aku.?

nisa.zaidan said...'s all about maths la bro

Huzai Mansor said...

017-334 tekantekan tak dapat. Hahah.

nisa.zaidan said...

elelele...kedek! haha